Breast implants are usually made highly durable so that they remain intact until the next replacement which may be about a decade or two later. However, this does not completely preclude the possibility of them failing much before that time. Just like other medical implants like hip replacers or pacemakers, breast implants may also require a revision. Here are some of the most common signs that you should keep an eye out for.

Signs that suggest you may benefit from a revisionary surgery

Unnatural pain or discomfort caused by your breast implants

If you are facing painful or uncomfortable implants, it may entail several concerns which in turn warrant a breast implant revision. The issues may be myriad including:

  • damaged lymph nodes
  • capsular contracture
  • a developing seroma
  • pinched nerves
  • poor implant placement
  • ruptured or leaking implant in case you have silicone implants

In certain cases, patients find implants uncomfortable and painful without any of the common reasons for it so much so that it affects their regular activities. This could be because of the use of very large or poorly placed implants. In any case, constant pain or irritation is not a normal sign and thus requires the immediate attention of a surgeon.

A ruptured breast implant

If you happen to undergo intense or abrupt physical pressure like being in a motor accident, you may end up rupturing your breast implant. It may also happen through aging and subsequent weakening of the implant shell.

In a saline implant, such a rupture can lead to an immediate deflation of the affected breast and hence is easily diagnosed. However, if you have a silicone implant, being able to diagnose the problem is not so easy. You will need an ultrasound or an MRI because the thick gel inside tends to leak out. It will also require immediate removal of the damaged implant as it may lead to infections and future complications.

A moving or rotating breast implant

It is seen that over a period breast implants settle into a slightly different position from where it was originally placed. However, if it moves to a diametrically different position in the chest wall, it is absolutely abnormal. Such a shift is known as implant displacement and there are several reasons for it.

  • If the implant pocket is very large it may lead to a lateral displacement of implants
  • A rare complication known as symmastia where the implants merge in the center of the chest, can also be a cause
  • If too much tissue is taken out from the area near the breast bone, the muscle between the breasts can detach

Change of shape in the breast implant

Your implant shape may change due to several reasons:

  • implant rupture
  • implant shifts
  • implant rotates
  • implant bottoms out
  • implant gets displaced

Moreover, a change of shape in breast implants may occur in just one breast or irregularly in both breasts. This can lead to tremendous emotional distress for the patient who may find it very difficult to find the right clothing that fits properly and thus may require a breast implant revision.

The breast implant is becoming the cause of capsular contracture

Scar tissues are usually formed when your body is healing after it has been implanted with any sort of medical or plastic surgery implant. It is normal and in most cases not a cause of concern as the capsule that is formed in the process helps support the implant, and prevents it from slipping.

However, there are instances when the body rejects the implant and forms excessive amounts of scar tissue to isolate it thinking it is a dangerous foreign entity. This is known as capsular contracture when the creation of thick and heavy tissue in the area near the breast implant affects the routine process of augmentation. This overproduction of tissue can range from normal to severe and each grade may or may not have an implication.

It is usually Grade 3 and 4 that are causes of concern as the breast start looking unnatural and also causes pain and discomfort leading to the requirement for a breast implant revision.

The breast size does not appeal to you

There are times when patients are not happy with the results of their surgery as they feel that they have ended up with a larger or small-looking breast than what they had expected.

If you are experiencing any of the above, make sure you consult an experienced plastic surgeon for your breast implant revision surgery.

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