An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck procedure helps create a firm and flat belly as well as a narrow waist by getting rid of extra skin and fat and tightening the muscles around the abdomen. It is, however, important to keep in mind that this is not a general surgery that can fit everyone and is not a substitute for exercise and diet. There are a variety of tummy tuck procedures, each of which has been specifically designed to address individual concerns effectively and give each patient the exact contour desired by them. So, how do you know which type of tummy tuck procedure is perfect for you?

What are the various kinds of tummy tuck?

  • The full tummy tuck
  • The mini tummy tuck
  • The extended tummy tuck

The full tummy tuck

This tummy tuck is primarily meant for individuals who are overall healthy but have abdominal muscles that are weak or have an excessive skin around their midsections. This procedure is best for you if you wish for a flattened area above and below the belly button. This procedure is also popularly known as a traditional or standard tummy tuck which entails a horizontal incision between the hipbones.

Sometimes, it also requires an incision around the belly button after which the plastic surgeon tightens the muscles and pulls down the skin over the stomach, thus getting rid of the excess. Many patients also opt for a liposuction procedure after the tummy tuck in order to reduce the excess fat and get some contouring. The belly button is finally repositioned and the incision closed by the plastic surgeon once the contouring is done.

The mini tummy tuck

It is a misconception that only people who are overweight need to undergo a tummy tuck procedure. There are a number of people of slender build who feel the need for this after dealing with stubborn belly fat that they are not able to get rid of no matter how much dieting and exercising they do. This situation can be easily remedied by opting for a mini tummy tuck procedure.

A mini tummy tuck basically deals with the area between the mons pubis and the belly button which in turn helps in flattening a small bulge in the lower abdomen. What a plastic surgeon essentially does here is make a small horizontal incision between the hipbones and then tighten the muscles that lie beneath and get rid of extra skin. Sometimes, if the surgeon feels the need for it, before finally closing the incision they follow this up with liposuction in order to take out deposits of fat deposits. This is a smaller surgery than a regular tummy tuck and thus there is no need to shift the belly button here. Moreover, the time of recovery required here is much less. You can even return to your normal activities in a week or so if your doctor so advises.

The extended tummy tuck

The extended tummy tuck, just as the name suggests, is an extensive version of a full tummy tuck. It is opted by men and women who suffer from more severe issues of unwanted skin on their tummy, hips and the sides of the lower back but overall enjoy good health.

In order to undergo an extended tummy tuck, the plastic surgeon makes the horizontal incision across the entire lower belly and around the hips. They make the vertical incision also in case it is required. This way, they are allowed more room and a wider area whereby they can treat a greater surface area by removing more excess tissue.

Sometimes, surgeons also do liposuction in order to contour and reduce excess fat, after which they reposition the belly button and close the incision. If you undergo this procedure, you can expect a full recovery within a few weeks.

There are certain other factors that you need to consider apart from the amount and location of your excess skin while determining which type of tummy tuck is right for you. These include

  • Skin quality and body type, as these, can affect the results
  • Scarring from previous surgeries, as these can complicate future surgeries
  • The actual placement of excess fat

If you are looking for a tummy tuck procedure, you are looking for minimal scarring and maximum potential for getting an improved look of your body. Choosing the right type of tummy tuck after consultation with a well-qualified surgeon can easily help you achieve your goals.

If you are interested in tummy tuck procedure at Shah Plastic Surgery and reside in Bronx, Manhattan, Long Island, Queens, Staten Island and surrounding areas of New York, contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nilay Shah.





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