Rhinoplasty procedures or nose jobs are among the most commonly opted cosmetic surgeries today by men and women alike. This is often done either to rectify facial profile or check a breathing problem. However, like various other surgeries, you may not always get the exact results that you had envisioned after your nose job. However, you do not need to worry as you can always go for a revision rhinoplasty and make right what went wrong the first time.

Some common reasons for considering a revision rhinoplasty nyc

  • You are not happy with the size or symmetry of your nose.
  • The angle is either too much or just not enough.
  • The nose has lost its natural look.
  • The initial procedure was not done satisfactorily.
  • Your nose is either flat, crooked, hooked, pinched, pointy or has a hump.
  • Your nose is either too wide or thin, long or short.
  • Your nose is scooped or saddle-backed.
  • You are finding it difficult breathing.

Let us look at some of the main reasons for a revision rhinoplasty nyc in more detail

Your nose requires another round of touch up

Once you have undergone a rhinoplasty surgery, it may be some time before you can see whether you have actually got the look that you have been desiring. However, once the healing is complete, you may realize that there are still a few tweaks or touch-ups that you would like. Hence you go for a revision rhinoplasty session.

You find that your nose is not functioning properly

In case you find that your first rhinoplasty procedure has not healed properly, it may later lead to your nose not functioning properly. This may include problems with breathing, problems being able to sleep, the ability to work out, or even sinus problems in more severe cases. When you undergo a rhinoplasty procedure, you expect your nose to not only look great but also function perfectly. In case you do not end up with either result, you would consider going for revision rhinoplasty.

Your nose is not in alignment with the rest of your face

If you do not choose a plastic surgeon who is both skillful and experienced, you may not get the desired shape and size that you are looking for. Not all plastic surgeons are adept at the kind of variety that this job demands and know how to work on only a limited number of shapes and sizes. Sometimes it may not suit your overall features and may not be the ideal fit for your face. By opting for a revision rhinoplasty from an experienced surgeon, you can make sure that your nose is in proportion with the other facial features and that there is more facial harmony.

Your nose has sustained an injury or fresh trauma

Even after undergoing rhinoplasty, your nose remains vulnerable to injury as well as a range of other serious kinds of trauma particularly within one or two years after the procedure. In fact, you may find that during this time your nose has even become slightly more fragile though it has outwardly healed completely. This is because the cartilage and soft tissues undergo restructuring during the surgery. So in case you end up injuring your nose after rhinoplasty, you can always undergo a revision rhinoplasty to help make repairs. However, this time the surgery becomes a little more complex because of all the scar tissue from the previous procedure and thus you may need an experienced surgeon to handle it.

You are not happy with the results of your previous rhinoplasty

In most cases, patients who undergo revision rhinoplasty do so because that are suffering from a major issue as a result of a surgery that has not gone well the first time around. They are usually at a complete loss and their nose is in a total mess. You end up with a nose that looks much worse than it did before the initial surgery. This can either be a nose that is severely upturned or has got completely collapsed on the internal cartilage. Irrespective of what may have gone wrong, a revision rhinoplasty is your only option out of this messy situation. This is the only way you can bring back your nose to its original state of normalcy and give your overall features a semblance of order.

If you are considering a revision rhinoplasty and living in New York or its surrounding areas you can contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nilay Shah.



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