Plastic Surgery Trends in 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic, like every other aspect of life, has also dealt a blow to the field of Plastic surgery. However, despite the challenges, plastic surgery has seen significant growth in the past year is expected to continue in its path of success in 2022.

In the past two decades, the United States has had a 22 per cent growth rate in the number of plastic surgeries performed. The same trend is anticipated this year as well.

What has led to this boom in demand for plastic surgery?

A study was conducted two years ago by The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), which is the largest association of facial plastic surgeons in the world. The aim was to study the trends that were observed by the AAFPRS members during that year.

According to the survey, 70 per cent of AAFPRS surgeons agreed that there was a rise in the number of appointments in the year 2020, even amid the coronavirus pandemic. Moreover, 90 per cent of AAFPRS surgeons stated that the appointments that year went up by at least 10 per cent.

So far as the reason behind this upward trend goes, 96 per cent of the AAFPRS surgeons who underwent the survey were of the opinion that this spike in appointments for plastic surgery was predominantly due to the work from home benefits that employees were now enjoying.

Not having to adhere to a stringent office routine, people now had the flexibility to schedule surgeries as well as have ample time to recuperate while working from home and being away from the glare of people.

So, while experts in the field predict “further growth in 2022”, what exactly are we anticipating?

More Investment

According to data from the early part of last year, people in America shelled out over $8.7 billion on aesthetic plastic surgery within the first six months. What’s more? This year, the figures are expected to go even higher.

Greater demands in Combination procedures

This year, experts believe that there will be more and more combination procedures that patients will seek. Combination procedures are when multiple surgeries are conducted together. Many patients opt for this as it cuts down on anesthesia and recovery periods.

Body Contouring to continue garnering popularity

Plastic surgeons opine that the non-invasive body contouring procedure, which is already very popular, will be more sought after this year. Procedures include not only fat reduction, but also skin/soft tissue tightening and muscle toning.

Virtual meeting mediums will increase demands

The selfie fad and subsequent rise in interest in surgeries of the face, eyes and neck, has made way for Zoom and such other virtual meeting mediums that have users want to enhance their facial features. Plastic surgeons are of a collective opinion that, this strand which is an offshoot of the pandemic, is not going anywhere this new year. Hence, there is going to be more demands for necklifts, eyelid surgery nose procedures.

Demand for facelifts to shoot among younger groups too

The earlier tendency to get facelifts when you cross the magical age of 40, has altered as more and more people from the younger generation are opting for this. The numbers are only going to rise, believe experts as patients even in their 30s are looking for facial rejuvenation primarily to address matters of self-consciousness over their physical appearances.

Age Prevention theme to grow

Age prevention is a trend that the majority of the populations across the globe are obsessed with. More and more patients are constantly on the lookout for ways to stall facial aging before it gets out of one’s control. More young people are likely to start using Botox this year, use fillers and go for facelifts. Moreover, as newer and more advanced technologies are taking over, the trend is only likely to grow.

Greater focus on safety precautions

Safety, for patients and staff alike, especially in the current scenario, has gained prime importance during the pandemic. The upcoming year is going to see stress on this aspect and more importance will be given to ensuring you go to a board-certified surgeon- one who is following proper safety guidelines in an accredited facility.


In Conclusion

Although it is well enough to go with the flow and follow current trends, the best plastic surgeons still believe in tried and tested methods and safety first. When you consider going for plastic surgery, you are deciding to make permanent alterations to your body. Hence, pick experienced and well-qualified plastic surgeons who select the right procedure for you on the basis of your health history.


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