What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition seen in men or boys when their breasts start growing disproportionately and unnaturally larger. It is manifested due to an overdevelopment or overgrowth of the breast tissue in males.

The condition is usually benign and tends to occur in boys entering their teens or early adulthood. However, it is not uncommon among newborn boys or older males.

What are the symptoms?

Gynecomastia may occur in one or both breasts. In the beginning, you may find a small lump or fatty tissue beneath the nipple. It may feel sore to the touch, the breast(s) then begin to swell or grow large and uneven.

The condition is not the same as breast cancer nor are there any links between them. Men with breast cancer are a very rare phenomenon although the doctor may conduct certain tests to rule out the possibility.

What are the causes of Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is usually caused due to a hormonal imbalance and uneven levels of testosterone (the male hormone). However, there are several other causes as well, and in some cases, the cause remains unknown.

It can also be triggered by the use of certain drugs or medicines such as antibiotics, antidepressants, prostate cancer medicines, chemotherapy, and cardiovascular or ulcer medicines. The condition may also be a result of taking medicines to treat male infertility or substance abuse.

Certain other conditions or illnesses may also be the cause behind Gynecomastia. These include liver diseases, testicular cancer, lung cancer, kidney disease, thyroid disorders, tumors of the adrenal glands or pituitary gland, injury or trauma, or obesity.

How do you know if you have Gynecomastia (diagnosis)?

You will be given a physical check-up by your physician after they have taken all the details about your previous medical records and health history. They may even ask you to get certain tests done to rule out the possibility of other conditions that may include-

  • Urine tests
  • Blood tests
  • Liver function tests
  • Hormone studies
  • Mammogram
  • Biopsy to check if cancerous

You may also be asked to see an endocrinologist.

Can you prevent Gynecomastia?

There is really no control over many of the hormone changes that cause Gynecomastia. What you can do is get treatment if you are suffering from substance abuse disorder or change medications to cut down the risk of breast enlargement.

 Ways in which Gynecomastia can be treated?

  • If the condition sets in during a boy’s preteen or teenage years, around puberty, in most cases it gets better without the need for any medication. It may take anything from 6 months to about 2 or 3 years for the condition to go away completely.
  • In case the cause behind Gynecomastia is certain medicines that you have been taking, you might need to stop or change the medication after consulting your doctor.
  • If the condition occurs as the side-effect of a certain disease, then you will need to get treatment for the specific disease.
  • Many doctors use hormone therapy to treat Gynecomastia
  • In some cases, surgery is performed to get rid of the extra tissue

How can surgery help?

Breast enlargement in men is a medical condition that is outside your control, however, the good news is that it can be corrected by skilled plastic surgeons. A consultation with a qualified surgeon, proper diagnosis, and treatment will help you overcome it.

Patients who have completed puberty and have had the condition for a long time are unlikely to benefit from medical treatment alone. Therefore undergoing a male breast reduction procedure can help them overcome the condition provided they are in overall good health, have realistic expectations, and willingness to comply with post-operative care.

Male breast reduction procedure helps in removing the excess skin, fat and breast tissue from the breasts. Gynecomastia surgery includes many techniques such as liposuction and surgical removal of excess tissue.

What should you expect from the surgery?

Your surgeon will determine the technique that is to be used for you after a thorough examination, you may be a candidate for liposuction to reduce fat in your breast area, surgery, or a combination of both. A qualified surgeon focuses on improving and preserving the masculine profile of the chest and breast area.

The downtime from the surgery may range from a few days to weeks or if the tissue is removed surgically, recovery may take a few months. The scars from the surgery either can happen in your armpit area or in the natural crease under your breast.

If you are interested in Gynecomastia surgery you can contact Dr. Nilay Shah and schedule a consultation to learn more about it.




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