Has the thought of removing your breast implants crossed your mind in recent times? Well, you are not alone in harboring such thoughts as, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), a significant percentage of women have had their breast implants removed in the past few years. Here’s all you need to know about the benefits and pitfalls you may experience.

The benefits first

Yes, you can have your breast implants removed and there are several advantages if you do so.

Mammograms become easier

If you have silicone or saline implants, it may affect the results of your mammogram and inhibit x-rays from reaching the breast tissues. You may then be required to see someone with a stronger imaging device that can get past the implants. In case you come from a family with a history of breast cancer, you will need mammogram results that are clear and this can be achieved by removing your implants.

Get rid of the pain

Breast augmentation may be the cause of certain levels of pain and discomfort with the passage of time. In case of larger implants, the weight that your chest is supporting may even cause the pain to cross over to areas such as the back, neck, and shoulders. Moreover, the surgery that is performed to place the implants may cause capsular contractures causing pain. By removing the implants, the weight gets off you leading to immediate relief from the excruciating pain.

Save money you will have to spend on MRI’s

Breast implants of any type tend to rupture over time and require you to get regular MRIs. These, however, are expensive affairs and the cost has to be borne by you every couple of years. It gets especially expensive in case a rupture is found. By removing the implants, you can save yourself these mounting costs for good.

Avoid replacements

Breast implants age with time and requires replacing every few years. This is not only an expensive affair but also takes a toll on your body. Removal of the implant, however, not only saves you the high costs of replacements but also comes with a short recovery period of just two weeks.

Difficult to find clothes that fit well

Based on the size of your breast implants you may find that getting the right sized clothes has now become a chore. Outfits that looked good and sat well on you earlier may not fit you right now because your breasts are bulging out. Getting rid of the implants will make shopping easier and not require you to find clothes two sizes up that fits your bust as well.

The disadvantages of removing breast implants

Sagging breasts

Sagging is one of the biggest cons of breast implant removal as you lose the full look and perkiness of your breasts that implants give. When you remove the implants, the breasts will tend to gravitate downwards and sag as they did before, if not more, especially if you had your implants for a prolonged period.

You will end up with loose skin

Apart from sagging, removing your breast implants and sagging can also lead to loose skin. You tend to lose the elasticity of your skin and in cases where there is too much loose skin, your medical practitioner may also recommend a breast lift.

Fear of infection and increased scarring

Removal of breast implants involves a surgery and just like any major surgery, it involves a risk of infection. This may occur after the surgery either at the site of the incision or even in the cavity where the implant was located. If the infection becomes severe, you may also need additional drain tubes and start taking antibiotics. It slows down the overall process of recovery.

Besides, infection, the incision site is likely to have scarring despite the best efforts of doctors. These scars will be visible and will take a considerable amount of time to lighten.

You may appear like you had a mastectomy

If you are getting your breast implants removed because of a rupture, it is likely that your surgeon will be required to remove so much breast tissue that you will give the impression of having undergone a mastectomy. In case you have used a gel implant, a rupture will cause leakage into the breast tissue and the more the leakage, the more tissue will be required to remove. When you lose so much tissue, you may look like someone who has undergone a mastectomy or a partial mastectomy.

Final Word

Whether you should or should not remove your breast implants is a personal choice as it is not an easy decision to make. Take your time, weigh the pros and cons well, and speak with your doctor at length before you make a stand.



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